Kosher Puerto Rico
General Information The Shul is located in 17 Dalia Street, Isla Verde. 787-253-0894. There is a Daily morning minyan Sundays at 8:30AM, Monday-Thursday at 7:30AM, Rosh Chodesh at 7:20AM, Friday Mincha following candle lighting (please call the Rabbi to confirm Mincha) followed with Kabballat Shabbat 6:30PM, Shabbat morning 9:00AM followed by a fantastic buffet kiddush with a hot cholent. Kosher food is available for delivery. For more information, please contact Chabad of Puerto Rico at Local Supermarkets carry the basic national products with kosher symbols (bagels, cereals, mayonaise, chips, canned foods . The major chains located throughout the island are (Pueblo, Grande, and Amigo Supermarkets).